Efficient Operations are Critical to the Success of Every Organization
Our Innovative and Proprietary Integrated Model Process Analytics & Control Tactics Tool (IMPACTT) Service Helps Organizations Reduce Waste And Improve Efficiency In Their Operations Processes

With our IMPACTT service, organizations can gain a level of insight into their operations process efficiency they have never had before.
Deep & Accurate Insight
Our insights are deeper and, most importantly, far more accurate than what is currently available from most other methods/tools.
Tactical & Actionable Insight
We provide insights at a tactical level. As a result, it is very easy to turn them into actionable plans.
Cost Effective Insight
When compared to other methods/tools of similar accuracy, the insights we provide are extremely cost effective and thus, more affordable.
Why Us & Not The Competition?
Our IMPACTT service stands out from the competition in the following ways:
We use a novel approach (see the “What We Do” section) and proprietary algorithms that provides more accurate insights than is currently available from the most common methods/tools.
Unlike other methods that require juggling too many standalone and confusing ratios, our approach integrates the inputs, outputs and outcomes of each process while also capturing the hand-offs between processes. We thus have the ability to meld an unlimited number of inputs and outputs per process into our insights.
Unstructured processes are notoriously difficult to evaluate for waste/inefficiency. As a result, the most accurate current method/tool is a poor fit for unstructured processes. Our approach works equally well with both types of processes.
The most accurate current method/tool requires data that is difficult and/or expensive to collect. As a result, it has very limited scope. We do not suffer from such limitations. We use data that organizations currently have or can very easily collect.

Who Are We Best Positioned To Help?
Non-Profits have predominantly unstructured and semi-structured processes. As a result, all types of non-profit organizations can benefit from our IMPACTT service. These include (but are not limited to):
- Public Charities
- Foundations
- Social Advocacy Groups
- Professional and Trade Organizations
Public/Government sector organizations have a good mix of structured, semi-structured and unstructured processes. Those that can benefit the most from the IMPACTT service include:
- School Districts
- Municipal Utility Districts
- Water/Flood Control Districts
- Cities, Counties and their Departments
- Levee Improvement/Environmental Districts
Our IMPACTT service is best suited to for-profits who have a fair amount of semi-structured and unstructured processes like:
- Franchises
- Mom-and-Pop Businesses
We Are Here To Assist You. Get In Touch Today.
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225 Matlage Way #2528, Sugar Land, TX 77487-2528